Everything these days is technology-driven. Everything is impacted by technology. The eReader is no different. E-readers just replicate a real book or newspaper.One of the major advantages of the eReader is its cost. The cheap book cost is truly advantageous. Moreover, the reader can have a number of books at his disposal anywhere he goes. Some of the popular eReaders available in the market include Sony PRS-505, Kindle 2, jetbook, etcMore recently, e-readers have promised to liberate college students from the heaving bundles of pages that most of them lug home from the bookstore at the beginning of every semester. Amazon’s Kindle DX to Barnes & Noble’s Nook and even the iPad, a generation of digital readers promises to replace overstuffed backpacks full of musty textbooks with a lightweight, portable slate loaded with every book you’ll ever need for the entire semester or every semester, for that matter.
Another bright spot of the e-readers turns out to be that it can help older people As well. Senior citizens who are visually impaired and who find difficulties in reading normal books can now change the font size on the e-reader and also its senior-friendly functionality such as ability to borrow library e-Books and buy from multiple sources are also great features for seniors.
Readers like the Kindle DX weigh just 1.1 pounds, while the big daddy of the bunch, the iPad, hits only 1.5 pounds. Amazon’s Kindle DX will cost $379, and Apple’s iPad will cost at least $500. It will cost $66.50 for a brand new book at the book store, but we could download an e-book version instantly for just $46.30 on the Kindle. Total savings from just one book: $20.20.